
Showing posts from April, 2023

Artist Research - Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon was a Irish artist known for his expressionistic and surrealistic paintings, which presents disturbing, creepy or even traumatising images of unnatural facial expressions, human bodies, and postures. The most iconic painting of him is „Screaming Pope” (a recreation of Diego Velazquez’s painting “Pope Innocent X” 1650). Many of his works telling the stories from his childhood, show feelings or events. In 1953 Francis Bacon painted one of his most iconic painting called 'Screaming Popes' being one of the paintings of 'The Papal Portraits' series.  The painting presents Pope Innocent X with twisted facial features and an expression of agony.The face in Head VI series and Screaming pope were influenced by the movie Battleship Potemkin from 1925. Bacon’s painting became controversial in some societies as the main form of this painting presents a religious authority. In creating this work, Francis Bacon used a many techniques such as Layering, Scumbling or Glazi...

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Preparing wooden panels

Consulting the project with my tutor, we decided to paint 2D outcomes on wooden panels that I could make in the workshop, saving time and money rather than buying it online.  After receiving the materials, the workshop tutor explained to me how to make them and the rest of the work I could make on my own. Firstly, I clamped the wooden planks in a vice and glued them together. Then I placed the surface and kept the weights on the top to ensure it won't come out. I kept them on for about half an hour and repeated the process 3 times more. I took the wooden panels for my painting to the studio to cover them with gesso and sand it. Listening to the advice, I bought the wet and dry sandpaper and sanded it several times when gesso dried and repeated the process 5 times. 

Creating studies

 These quick sketches present the cadres marked by the red lines and paintings I might use as references for my project. During this project, I will focus on the facial expressions of presenting characters in my paintings. Also, I have tried to recreate the original paintings in my style in a short time.   Jan Matejko, Conversations with God. The Astronomer Copernicus, 1873 Indian summer, Józef Chełmoński 'Stańczyk' by Jan Matejko, 1862

Tell me a story

The story of my project will present the maximization of emotional expressions and feelings shown in the original pieces. The main idea of this project will be a recreation of the paintings from the Renaissance painted by Polish artists such as Jan Matejko and Lukasz Porebski. At this moment, I'm considering creating portraits of the people presented in their most famous paintings. The concept of this work is focusing on their facial expressions creating busy and messy backgrounds.

Smart Objective

My project will present 4 2D and 2 3D outcomes in Renaissance. The entire project will be based on portraits and clay busts created during the Renaissance and recreate them more expressionistic using similar colours to the original. I'm considering making the clay busts at home as it might be more productive and comfortable, not having enought time to work on my project in the studio. However, the paintings will be made in the studio. To create the paintings, I will use different sizes of canvases starting from A3 to A2, with different thicknesses. From a clay bust, I would like to recreate the most popular clay busts and paint them using spray paints.

First thoughts

This post presents my first ideas about the new project for art portfolio 2. The sketches might be used while painting and sculpting the works for this project. Also, I have done calligraphy specific to the Renaissance as this theme seems the most attractive to me among the others.    At this moment, I am considering recreating some of the paintings in expressionism using the tones, colours and fonts characteristic of this era.     

Art Portfolio Two - Welcome Message

Welcome to Art Portfolio Two. This term, I want to improve my writing and time management skills. As the previous mark for this subject could have been more satisfying, I want to improve my work by carefully describing the process of creating my project and research. The same importance will be exploring new techniques in styles that might be useful as a painter in the future. As we will create 3D sculptures this term, I would like to improve my work with clay and implement more unusual techniques and materials to this project. Also, this term's important aspect is to show the skills I have learnt through the previous terms. During the holiday, I worked on my painting skills by exploring and testing new techniques and styles of painting a couple of pieces.