The progress of my 2D outcomes
During the past week, I have worked on my 2D outcomes. Until this day, I have started 2 of 4 paintings. However, non of my paintings have been done yet. This post presents my progress during the week and the relation between my works and the other artists.
As a first painting, I started creating the Indian summer of Lukasz Porebski, presenting a woman lying on the field. As the main concept of my project is re-creating the artwork of well-known Polish artists in more expressionistic and disturbing presents, I decided to slightly change the colour palette and improve my work using the style used in Napoleons painting made by Jake Wood Evans, where the character of previously mentioned Napoleon is very blurred. The same style I used blurs my character's right arm and head. Creating the effect of pulling the persona into the background. During the work, I decided to include more details in the painting as it seemed unclear, and I could find it difficult to recognise the main object of my work. Also, I have tried to include some more realistic elements.
The idea for the second painting was to create it more surrealistic, including more unusual elements, shapes or textures. I have planned to create this painting very messy with bold outlines and some of the realistic elements. In creating the realistic elements, I mostly focused on his clothes, and I'm still considering placing more realistic features on his face. The idea for placing many outlines was a painting by Wood-Evans called Study for The Triumph of Pan 2, after Poussin.
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